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2012 - 2016

Brunei Shell Petroleum

Brunei Darussalam


Geophysicist integrated into a multidisciplinary and culturally diverse subsurface study team tasked to define new low-cost development strategies of a diverse development (Oil/Gas/Tight gas) and Near-Field Exploration portfolio.


Offshore and Onshore Brunei. Siliciclastic reservoirs. Transtensional & transpressional structural regimes.


  • Field Development Planning and documentation, including Near-field Exploration opportunities, Volumes estimation and implications of subsurface uncertainties.


  • Geophysical delivery of reservoir structural depth maps scenarios and faults, input for fluid fill estimation and reservoir properties.


  • Reservoir characterization and static model building, based on Integrated Reservoir Modelling (IRM) principles, using Petrel. Incorporating new seismic interpretation (maps, faults and seismic driven reservoir property distribution). Volumetric estimation.


  • Analysis of Near-field Exploration opportunities including Volumes calculation.


  • Geophysical analysis of 4D seismic for target selection and de-risking (WRFM).


  • Well planning to balance production targets with long term appraisal opportunities.


  • Planning seismic acquisition, processing & QI work matching business needs.


  • Coaching young staff. Founded the B(runei) N(etwork) of (S)eismic (I)nterpreters.


  • Two (2) Special Recognition Awards.

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