2012 - 2016
Brunei Shell Petroleum
Brunei Darussalam
Geophysicist integrated into a multidisciplinary and culturally diverse subsurface study team tasked to define new low-cost development strategies of a diverse development (Oil/Gas/Tight gas) and Near-Field Exploration portfolio.
Offshore and Onshore Brunei. Siliciclastic reservoirs. Transtensional & transpressional structural regimes.
Field Development Planning and documentation, including Near-field Exploration opportunities, Volumes estimation and implications of subsurface uncertainties.
Geophysical delivery of reservoir structural depth maps scenarios and faults, input for fluid fill estimation and reservoir properties.
Reservoir characterization and static model building, based on Integrated Reservoir Modelling (IRM) principles, using Petrel. Incorporating new seismic interpretation (maps, faults and seismic driven reservoir property distribution). Volumetric estimation.
Analysis of Near-field Exploration opportunities including Volumes calculation.
Geophysical analysis of 4D seismic for target selection and de-risking (WRFM).
Well planning to balance production targets with long term appraisal opportunities.
Planning seismic acquisition, processing & QI work matching business needs.
Coaching young staff. Founded the B(runei) N(etwork) of (S)eismic (I)nterpreters.
Two (2) Special Recognition Awards.